September 17, 2011

About Me

As part of my Ed Tech class assignments I've written a description of myself that pretty well sums me up, and can be read here. So I will take this opportunity to talk about some of personal interests, hobbies and future plans I have.

Thanks to my wife, of almost eight years now, I have become an avid runner. Being in the military I have been required to maintain a high degree of fitness, but that doesn't mean I am an Olympian; that being said, for the past 5 years my wife and I have been very serious runners, and have completed many 10k's and half marathons in the various states and countries we've been assigned to by the Army, and we are currently training for this years Portland Marathon. Also, I have begun training in earnest to run an ultra marathon by next summer. In order to achieve this I have increased my average weekly mileage to between 45 and 50 miles. However, I have slacked off recently due to the MAT program, but I still maintain between 15 and 20 miles a week.

Another long term goal of mine is to learn to speak Spanish. I lived in Panama with my family for three years when I was in middle school, and I have had an affinity for Hispanic/Latin cultures ever since. I hope to be able to use this skill in my role as an educator as well, by being able to connect a little better with various Spanish speaking students I will have.

Between my running, my future as a music educator, my personal growth as a musician and my family, I've got a rewarding life with plenty of things to challenge me and keep me healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Your running endeavors peaked my interest. That, too, is my passion (beginning at 13 years old). Actively competed up through 50, but slowing down in the 60's (still managed a 5:40 mile last year). Portland is fun, but one could get injured on 20 to 25 per week. May need to sneak that up a little :)
    Am really enjoying your enthusiasm and participation in classs(es).
