September 4, 2011

Screencasting with

I recently reviewed the screen capture website and have found it to be simple and effortless to use. It allows you to record 5 minutes of screen capture video, which automatically gets loaded up to the servers as a .mp4 video flle. At which point you can send out the link to the video, embed it into a website or blog, download the file directly, or transfer it to For two examples of's functionality I have recorded a screencast reviewing and showing some of its functions, and the youtube output from that screencast. has quite a few uses in a classroom setting. As a teacher I can see using it to develop and record additional study material for on going lessons in class. And it could be a great tool for organizing group projects requiring a presentation


  1. Thoroughly enjoyed your Screenr presentation. Terrific tutorial, including the Youtube component. Thanks for sharing, and please contribute some of this in class Thursday.

  2. Forgot to mention: PLEASE EMBED THIS wonderful video inside this blog post. It will also apply to the upcoming Multimedia requirement and save you time :)
