October 23, 2011

Inquiry & CMP research

The guiding principles behind the CMP INstructional model are designed to help students generate meaning and relevancy for what they are learning, in their own terms, by working through problems that have been devised to incorporate common skills as the student explores problem solving methodology. Thus the intent of CMP is to help students create a deeper understanding of a subject or key idea through the direct and open investigation of a well crafted problem situation.

The CMP model of instruction does appear to be inquiry based, in that it relies on open ended inquiry and investigation. Where the student's interest in a subject or idea may be piqued by the Teacher, but ultimately the Teacher is relying on the process of the activity to impart knowledge and to further a Student's understanding of that subject or Idea.

True inquiry based models of teaching require that the Teacher is ultimately encouraging the Student to think for themselves, by not looking for constant validation. The Teacher is reinforcing the Students behavior, to continue to be curious and to continue to work on a project despite hardship, and without giving the information directly to the Student, if it can be helped. CMP seems to follow some of these basic tenants as well.

1 comment:

  1. So, based on your understanding of this theory of learning, how do you feel about it? If kids don't have the 'basics', will they be able to succeed under this teaching philosophy? It will be interesting to see how your interview goes with the MS teacher. Thanks for sharing.
